About Eryka Peskin

In addition to being a photographer, Eryka is a mindset coach, a licensed social worker, a fierce cheerleader, a writer, an auntie, and a former associate with a leading financial services company.

When she's not hiking through mountains and trees, chasing after her niblings (niece + nephews), or being a social justice warrior, she works with her clients to support them in conquering limiting beliefs and fears, uncovering their desires and dreams, and making the world a better and more abundant place for everyone.

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Eryka now lives in Boise, Idaho and spends a lot of time traveling to the Pacific Northwest, Northern California, New York City, and North Carolina in order to take photos among the big trees, the ocean, and dark starry nights.

Eryka shoots with Canon cameras and lenses, filters of various provenance, and an iPhone.

Artist Statement

I believe every body has health, every body has beauty, every body matters, and is worthy of being adored and celebrated.

We are taught to hate our bodies by patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalism.

Every time we love our bodies—especially if we're of the "wrong" gender, race, size, ability, or any other form of marginalization—we crack the walls of those systems a little bit more.

Love your body, smash the patriarchy. And white supremacy, and capitalism too!

And also, loving your body is waaaaay better than hating it. So...love it!

How this all began...

In March of 2018, a friend of mine messaged me a photo of 20 year old me.

When I was 20, I absolutely hated how I looked. I thought I was too fat, plain. Quite simply, I had major, massive body image issues...and they have persisted for most of my life.

From the vantage point of 44, I looked at that photo of myself and was like...WHAT?! I was so. damn. CUTE!

Having that realization was utterly mindboggling. To think of all that wasted time, all of the experiences and opportunities lost because I hated my body and my face...when all the while, I had been adorbs.

I stared at this photo of myself and thought, "When I'm 64, will I feel the same way about my 44 year old self and body?"

I thought about it some more and asked myself another question:

"If I think that's how I'll feel, what would I do RIGHT NOW to honor that?"

And immediately, the answer came to me: "I WOULD GET NAKED IN THE REDWOODS AND TAKE PICTURES!!!!"

This was quite the unexpected revelation! I'm guessing it will not come as a surprise to hear that public nudity was not really my thing.

No, I did not immediately strip naked and go into the redwoods (although I was in Mendocino, California, where that was a possibility)!

The idea had to marinate. I had to give it time to sink in.

A couple of months later, I found myself amidst the giant, majestic sequoias. It was a night with a full moon, with a light blanket of fog wafting between the trees...

I set up my camera on my tripod, took off my clothes in the chilly early spring mountain air, and made this happen.

And...I have to say that I have never felt more powerful, beautiful, and connected with the literal awesomeness of nature...or myself.

That moment was utterly transformative. It changed how I felt about my body, it changed how I felt about myself in the world...and that continues to this day.

It's your turn to have this experience.

Contact Eryka to inquire about your bodylove session.

Because your body is incredible. And it deserves to be loved.